AMC 8 Exam Date:

  • Areteem will hold the test on January 27th, 2025.
  • Proctoring will be held onsite at 23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155, Lake Forest, CA
    Areteem Onsite Exam Start: 4:30pm Pacific on Monday, January 27th, 2025. Please arrive onsite at least 15 minutes in advance.
  • Once your registration is complete, your spot is confirmed. Our student services department will follow up with an email including additional instructions.

Note: Areteem offers the STEM contest exams to help students who would otherwise be unable to participate through their school. Fees for registration are used to further our goal of improving problem solving skills in math for students around the world. As such, there are no refunds given for AMC 8 Exam registration fees.


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